Why not use logrotate? Well, logrotate doesn't use disk space as a metric; it uses time. So if you want to keep logs until a certain percentage of hard drive space is utilized (to completely maximize the amount of time you have access to logs), then logrotate is not your tool.
Below is a script that you can use in order to retain logs as long as possible, and to compress logs that have not been modified since yesterday.
# Syslog cleanup script # # This script does some cleanup for our syslog system.
# Why not use logrotate?
# Well, this script will make decisions based upon disk utilization, not just
# age of log files. We only delete log files when we hit disk utilization
# of 90%. This will ensure we keep as many logs as possible. We delete
# logs 10 at a time, until we get under the 90% mark.
# This will gzip all of the log files that haven't been modified in a day.
# Syslog cleanup script # # This script does some cleanup for our syslog system.
# Why not use logrotate?
# Well, this script will make decisions based upon disk utilization, not just
# age of log files. We only delete log files when we hit disk utilization
# of 90%. This will ensure we keep as many logs as possible. We delete
# logs 10 at a time, until we get under the 90% mark.
# This will gzip all of the log files that haven't been modified in a day.
DATE=$(date +"%F %T")
YESTERDAY_YEAR=$(date +%Y --date="yesterday")
YESTERDAY_MONTH=$(date +%m --date="yesterday")
YESTERDAY_DAY=$(date +%d --date="yesterday")
echo "$DATE := ===============================================================" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "$DATE := Beginning cleanup script." >> $LOG_FILE
# Get the amount of disk utilization for the /nsm directory
disk_util=$(df -h | grep $MOUNT_POINT | sed -r "s/.*\s+([0-9]+)%.*/\1/g")
echo "$DATE := Disk utilization is $disk_util" >> $LOG_FILE
# If we have over 90% disk utilization
if [ $disk_util -ge $DISK_UTIL_THRESH ]
# While disk util is over 90%
while [ $disk_util -ge $DISK_UTIL_THRESH ]
DATE=$(date +"%F %T")
echo "$DATE := Disk utilization is $disk_util" >> $LOG_FILE
# Find the 10 oldest files, and delete them
$(find $MAIN_LOG_FILE_DIR -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head -n 10 | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs rm)
# Reset the disk util variable
disk_util=$(df -h | grep nsm | sed -r "s/.*([0-9]+)%.*/\1/g")
# This will gzip all log files that have not been modified in 1 day.
DATE=$(date +"%F %T")
echo "$DATE := Size of yesterday's files before compression:" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "$DATE := Gzipping log files in $MAIN_LOG_FILE_DIR." >> $LOG_FILE
echo "$DATE := Gzipping the following log files:" >> $LOG_FILE
$(find $YESTERDAY_ALL_FILES -type f -name "*.log" -exec gzip {} \; -exec echo "Gzipped " {} \; >> $LOG_FILE)
echo "$DATE := Size of yesterday's files after compression:" >> $LOG_FILE
# Find and remove all empty directories
DATE=$(date +"%F %T")
echo "$DATE := Finding and removing all empty directories." >> $LOG_FILE
$(find $MAIN_LOG_FILE_DIR -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;)
echo "$DATE := Finding and removing all broken symbolic links." >> $LOG_FILE
$(find $NAV_BY_DATE_DIR/* -type l -xtype l -exec rm -f {} \;)
DATE=$(date +"%F %T")
echo "$DATE := Ending cleanup script." >> $LOG_FILE
echo "$DATE := ===============================================================" >> $LOG_FILE
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